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WiLD SuMMeR was released at `The Summer Party 96` in Denmark.
It finished second in the Wild Competition - a competition without any
With only 30 MB Place on CD/HD you`ll get a 4 Minutes full-screen Video
which runs on an - todays - standard A1200 (at least 4 MB Fast).
WilD SuMMeR consists of over 20 YAFA Animations, which
were created using the great Wildfire.
Using the latest YAFA player you can watch the show
even from a ZIP-Drive or a 4X Speed CD-Rom without any gaps between the
WiLD SuMMeR is available on:
Aminet CD 13 (all animations archived)
CU Amiga Cover CD (run from cd)
MagnaMedia Amiga Magazin CD 3/4 97 (run from cd)
WiLD SuMMeR copyrighted to:
WK-Artworks (Animations, Wildfire concept)
Smack/Infect ( YAFA concept)
DJ Mellow-Noise/Infect (Music)
Eksec/Infect (Executive Producing)